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Blogger's Corner: Can't Press Play On Record Store Day

I'm going to make a revelation right now, and it's going to be so phenomenal and crazy that you might not believe me... Are you ready? Here it goes: There are still record stores, and they still sell records. Are you blown away? Well you should be.

Blogger's Corner: In Sickness and in Health

Being in business alone is totally lonely. Being in business with two can mean the end of both the business and the relationship. Three is like goldilocks - it's just right. "In sickness and in health" is not just in marriage but also in business.
Blogger's Corner: Week 15 ~ Inspirational Hand Lettering ~ "Find A Song" ~ Swedish Proverb

Blogger's Corner: Week 15 ~ Inspirational Hand Lettering ~ "Find A Song" ~ Swedish Proverb

Hand Lettering by Harriet Faith. Swedish Proverb.

Blogger's Corner: Panhandling Moms in the Subway: Sacrifice or Scam?

As mothers, we all say, we would do anything for our children.

Blogger's Corner: Brooklyn Baby & Family Expo 2014

I am thinking of a Jay Z lyric as I begin to type this: "I'll show you how to move in a room full of Baby Vendors..." Well, Jay says "vultures," instead of "baby vendors.
Blogger's Corner: WEEK 14-- "YES I AM A DREAMER..." ~ OSCAR WILDE

Blogger's Corner: WEEK 14-- "YES I AM A DREAMER..." ~ OSCAR WILDE

Week 14 ~ "Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." ~ Oscar Wilde I love this quote by Oscar Wilde. It is so poetic.

Blogger's Corner: Affirming Our Girls with Love

For the past six years I have worked in the after-school setting in the communities of Bushwick, East NY, Crown Heights and Bedford Stuyvesant. I have worked in the capacities as a teaching artist, youth worker and site director.

Rock the Interview: 5 Must-Ask Questions for Jobseekers!

Ask the Right Interview Questions So now that we've schooled you on the questions you'll most likely be asked during your next job interview, let's talk about the questions you should be asking your interviewer.
Blogger's Corner - Living The Dream, Larger Than Life - Roswitha, Violinist, Singer Songwriter and Producer?

Blogger's Corner - Living The Dream, Larger Than Life - Roswitha, Violinist, Singer Songwriter and Producer?

How long have you been creating music? I have been singing since I was a little girl. I started violin at 7 and never stopped. Producing and songwriting came later. I released my Pop Soul World album "Destiny" worldwide in 2013.
Blogger's Corner: Week 13 Hand-Lettered ~ Cleopatra ~ Ginesthoi ~ Make It So

Blogger's Corner: Week 13 Hand-Lettered ~ Cleopatra ~ Ginesthoi ~ Make It So

Week 13 of Year-Long Hand-Lettered Project by Harriet Faith. Quote by Cleopatra You can view art from previous weeks of this year-long project of hand-lettering by going here or here This week's piece is something a little different.