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What Brooklyn Residents Need to Know About the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

The Affordable Care Act This Article is a re-publication from December 23, 2013 What Exactly is The Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare?" The federal Affordable Care Act of 2014 (ACA), also known as "Obamacare," was signed into law by President Barack

Blogger's Corner: The Best of Bed-Stuy

I had to do some homework to find the best of Bed-Stuy. I have my favorites, but I am biased. I patronize the places I've been going to for years and I am very loyal to them.

Poll Shows Voters Give Thumbs Down to Mayor's Stance on Horse-Drawn Carriages and Universal Pre-K

Photo: A Quinnipiac poll shows that New York voters oppose New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's plan to ban horse-drawn carriages and support Gov.

3/19, 5:45am, FDNY responding to a compact fire in basement at 953 Dekalb Avenue

3/19, 5:45am, FDNY responding to a compact fire in basement at 953 Dekalb Avenue

3/18, 6:15pm, Shots fired at 548 Bainbridge St, NYPD conducting evidence search

3/18, 6:15pm, Shots fired at 548 Bainbridge St, NYPD conducting evidence search
Alert: Explosion Planned at Brooklyn Navy Yard

Alert: Explosion Planned at Brooklyn Navy Yard

On Thursday, March 20, the filming of a movie will simulate an explosion on private property within the Brooklyn Navy Yard, off of Kent Ave in Brooklyn. The stunt will occur once between the hours of 2:00pm - 5:00pm.

Bed-Stuy Family Health Center Announces 4 New Exec Hires

The Bedford-Stuyvesant Family Health Center The Bedford-Stuyvesant Family Health Center, located at 1456 Fulton Street, has made key some changes to its upper-level management.

New Poll Shows de Blasio's Approval Rating Drops

Mayor Bill de Blasio and First Lady Chirlane McCray visit DOE Pre-K Enrollment Workshop in Brooklyn on Sunday, March 16, 2014.

NY's DREAM Act Fails in State Senate, and Dems Ask, 'Who Done it?'

Photo: On Monday, New York's DREAM Act, which proposes to expand the state's Tuition Assistance Program to include undocumented students, failed in the state senate by a vote of 30-29.

Public Programs for Adults, Teens and Kids in April at The Brooklyn Museum

Brooklyn Museum Brooklyn Museum will present a variety of public programs for adults, teens and kids in April, including talks, late night events, performances, screenings and hands-on workshops that amplify the Museum's exhibitions and permanent col