In celebration of the start of Black Business Month, Bed-Stuy designer Moshood Afariogun is bringing his New Roots to Culture Fashion Showcase to the streets of the neighborhood.
The cultural festival, which will include emerging Black designers and a live performance from the Kunle Mighty Sunrise Band on top of Afariogun's signature Afro-inspired garments, will take place this Sunday at Bed-Stuy's Restoration Plaza.
Originally from Lagos, Nigeria, Afariogun moved to New York in the early 1980s, and went on to open his Brooklyn boutique Moshood Creations in 1994, where he brings together the traditional beauty of Afrikan tailoring and a taste of western flavor.

Like most small businesses, COVID-19 and New York's ever increasing rent prices took its toll on Afariogun's business, which recently moved from its long-standing Fort Greene location to Bed-Stuy. But thanks to the deigner's growing e-commerce platform, and assistance from Bed-Stuy Gateway BID, Afariogun was able to reopen his doors.
Lynette Battle, Bed-Stuy Gateway BID's interim executive director, said that the pandemic had left many of the neighborhood's retail shops on life support.
"For those that have weathered the storm, we ask that the community join us for this event and continue to support our small businesses when and wherever they can."
The event will kick off at 3:00pm and run until 8:00pm at 1360 Fulton St.