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New State Law Allows Gender Change on Birth Certificate Without Proof of Surgery

New State Law Allows Gender Change on Birth Certificate Without Proof of Surgery

Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office announced on Thursday that transgender people born in New York state will no longer have to prove they've had surgery to change their sex on their birth certificate, Reuters reports.
Brook-Lens: Janelle Monae Rocks, Roars and Celebrates Brooklyn!

Brook-Lens: Janelle Monae Rocks, Roars and Celebrates Brooklyn!

Last night, Celebrate Brooklyn kicked off its inaugural outdoor performance in Prospect Park with a live free concert featuring rock/R&B sensation Janelle Monae.
Guns in America: Same as it Eva Was, Pt. 2

Guns in America: Same as it Eva Was, Pt. 2

Massacres, Mundane Murders And Our Social Issues THIS IS A PART 2 IN A TWO-PART SERIES ON GUNS IN AMERICA. TO READ PT. 1, GO HERE . Numbers on gun violence This past Memorial Day weekend will forever be remembered for Elliot Rogers .

Brooklynettes Dance Team to Hold Open Auditions for 2014-15 Season

The Brooklynettes The Brooklyn Nets will hold open auditions for the Brooklynettes dance team on Saturday, June 28 at 11 a.m. at the Arnold and Marie Schwartz Center on the LIU Brooklyn campus at 1 University Plaza. Registration begins at 10:00am.

71st Pct to Host Family Day Picnic

71st Pct. Family Day Picnic Photo: The 71st Precinct covering the southern end of Crown Heights, in partnership with the precinct's community council will hold the 20th Annual Family Day picnic this Sunday, June 8.
Today: Adams, Cornegy Hold Anti-Violence Events to Address Rise in Crime

Today: Adams, Cornegy Hold Anti-Violence Events to Address Rise in Crime

In the wake of the recent spate of violence across Central Brooklyn, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and City Councilmember Robert Cornegy will hold two separate events tonight to help galvanize the community to action.
NYCHA Sets Aside 3,200 Housing Units for the Homeless

NYCHA Sets Aside 3,200 Housing Units for the Homeless

The New York City Housing Authority has identified roughly 3,200 units to be set aside for homeless families over the next four years, part of Mayor Bill de Blasio's plan to address the city's surging homeless crisis, the Observer reports.

Stoops Bed-Stuy Brings Back the Joy of Outdoor Play

Stoops Bed-Stuy, 2013 Save the date: On Saturday, July 14, from 12:00pm - 5:00pm at Stuyvesant Mansion, located at 375 Stuyvesant Avenue, Bed-Stuy resident Kendra Ross will kick off the second installment of her brownstone block party known as Stoops
Unified Visionaries Benefit to Aid 2,000 students, from New York City to Jamaica

Unified Visionaries Benefit to Aid 2,000 students, from New York City to Jamaica

Central Brooklyn residents Akua Soadwa, founder of the Gye Nyame Empowerment Project and Zebi Williams, founder of The Lil Raggamuffin Summer Camp, have taken their college friendship and turned it into an international movement.

Exclusive: Congressman Hakeem Jeffries on the Failure of the House of Representatives to Pass an Unemployment Extension Bill

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8) In this exclusive interview, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8) talks to The Brooklyn Reader about his efforts to address unemployment in Central Brooklyn, Republican obstructionism and why the bill to extend unempl