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‘Ticking Time Bomb’: Toxic Lead Paint Found in 900 NYC Classrooms

More than 900 city classrooms repeatedly tested positive for lead paint over the past five years — amounting to what one expert calls a "ticking time bomb" that's waiting to poison kids.

More than 900 city classrooms repeatedly tested positive for lead paint over the past five years — amounting to what one expert calls a "ticking time bomb" that's waiting to poison kids.

A classroom at PS 188 The Island School in Manhattan's Alphabet City neighborhood racked up the highest number of positive tests — 178 — during a series of four inspections between Feb. 5, 2015, and June 17, 2019, according to Department of Education records obtained by The Post.

A deliveryman takes buckets of paint to PS 90 Horace Mann in Queens, which is being repainted due to lead exposure. Dan Herrick More than 900 city classrooms repeatedly tested positive for lead paint over the past five years — amounting to what one expert calls a "ticking time [...]