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Seeds in the Middle Brings Fresh Produce Programs to Food Insecure Areas of Brooklyn

On Pitkin Avenue in Brownsville, there are five fast food restaurants in a small stretch.

On Pitkin Avenue in Brownsville, there are five fast food restaurants in a small stretch. Lifetime neighborhood resident Nora Rodríguez Cortez says that there are far fewer supermarkets, only around three, and that at the bodegas fresh produce is hard to come by.

Seeds in the Middle is trying to change that and opened two new fresh markets last week, one in Brownsville and one in Flatbush. These markets, held outside public schools in the area, were purposefully placed in Central Brooklyn areas that have been plagued by food insecurity, a problem only exacerbated by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Signs at the Brownsville Market. Photo courtesy of Seeds in the Middle. On Pitkin Avenue in Brownsville, there are five fast food restaurants in a small stretch. Lifetime neighborhood resident Nora Rodríguez Cortez says that there are far fewer supermarkets, only around three, and that at the bodegas fresh [...]