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NYC Russian Restaurants Face Backlash and Vandalism Despite Supporting Ukraine

Despite publicly signaling support for Ukraine in the ongoing invasion, Russian restaurants in Manhattan are getting hit with vandalism, canceled reservations, and negative online reviews, the New York Times reports .

Despite publicly signaling support for Ukraine in the ongoing invasion, Russian restaurants in Manhattan are getting hit with vandalism, canceled reservations, and negative online reviews, the New York Times reports.

West Village Russian restaurant Sveta, owned by Ukrainian Sveta Savchitz, received an onslaught of negative emails after Russia invaded Ukraine. The restaurant has since changed its online presence from “Russian” to “Eastern European” to distance itself from association with Russia.

In Midtown, Russian Samovar — which is hosting a fundraiser for Ukraine this week, and has posted an antiwar message at its entrance — had its door kicked in and people have called the restaurant’s staff “Nazis” over the phone.

Despite publicly signaling support for Ukraine in the ongoing invasion, Russian restaurants in Manhattan are getting hit with vandalism, canceled reservations, and negative online reviews, the New York Times reports .

West Village Russian restaurant Sveta, owned by Ukrainian Sveta Savchitz, received an onslaught of negative emails after Russia invaded [...]