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How Eric Adams Won The New York City Mayoral Primary

For two months we've known that Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams won New York City's Democratic primary for mayor with 31 percent of first-place votes (he finally achieved a majority in the ranked-choice election after eight rounds of instant ru

For two months we've known that Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams won New York City's Democratic primary for mayor with 31 percent of first-place votes (he finally achieved a majority in the ranked-choice election after eight rounds of instant runoffs). But for two months we haven't known for sure exactly what his coalition looked like.

Finally, the wait is over: 57 days after the election, the New York City Board of Elections released precinct-level results of the primary. And they show that Adams's enigmatic politics found a broad coalition — but one that exists outside the city's usual power centers.

Spencer Platt / Getty Images For two months we've known that Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams won New York City's Democratic primary for mayor with 31 percent of first-place votes (he finally achieved a majority in the ranked-choice election after eight rounds of instant runoffs). But for two months [...]