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Covid Spread in New York and Gentrification

With over 15,000 fatalities, New York City, the financial centre of the United States of America, has emerged as the global epicentre of the war against Covid-19 with all five boroughs impacted.

With over 15,000 fatalities, New York City, the financial centre of the United States of America, has emerged as the global epicentre of the war against Covid-19 with all five boroughs impacted. Brooklyn and Queens have reported over 3,900 deaths each so far, followed by the Bronx (at least 2,800) and Manhattan (about 1,700). The smallest borough, Staten Island, has witnessed around 600 deaths.

Vulnerable: New York City has emerged as the global epicentre of the war against Covid-19 with all its five boroughs impacted. Journalist and author

With over 15,000 fatalities, New York City, the financial centre of the United States of America, has emerged as the global epicentre of the war against [...]