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Blow to Industry City Expansion Makes Waves Beyond Brooklyn Waterfront

A Brooklyn City Council member's decision to oppose an expansion of Industry City that promised 20,000 new jobs and up to $100 million in tax revenue sent shockwaves through the business community amid the economic pandemic plunge.

A Brooklyn City Council member's decision to oppose an expansion of Industry City that promised 20,000 new jobs and up to $100 million in tax revenue sent shockwaves through the business community amid the economic pandemic plunge.

Councilmember Carlos Menchaca's announcement buoyed opponents, who feared the project would displace longtime residents. It also gave new urgency to an effort by some former city officials to devise a plan for inclusive growth aimed at changing the political dynamic that sees development efforts as leading to more gentrification and inequality.

Ben Fractenberg/THE CITY Warehouses in Brooklyn's Industry City A Brooklyn City Council member's decision to oppose an expansion of Industry City that promised 20,000 new jobs and up to $100 million in tax revenue sent shockwaves through the business community amid the economic pandemic plunge.

Councilmember Carlos Menchaca's announcement buoyed [...]