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I Heart Sculptures-Intertwined Exhibition Is Def Worth A Visit

Artists Sui Park/Alexandra Limpert...and Chashama space I'm a longtime fan of sculpture work, from the process of creating the work to the experience of seeing the work on exhibit.
Intertwined, art installation
Artists Sui Park/Alexandra Limpert...and Chashama space

I'm a longtime fan of sculpture work, from the process of creating the work to the experience of seeing the work on exhibit.

Perhaps it's the three dimensional aspect that strums my energy, because I feel extra connected to myself and the world, when I'm around a sculpted piece. Whether it's the antiquities featured at the Brooklyn Museum or a public art project in NYC parks, I just get a wonderful vibe from a sculpture's physicality.

This is why I was super keen to go to the opening of Interwined, a group exhibition of sculptures and installations at the Chashama space. And I was not disappointed!

End of Thursday neared, and I was exhausted. It was my first day teaching a creative writing workshop to women on Rikers Island, and the whole process left me drained-- from the long commute (subway, to city bus, to corrections bus) to get there, which culminates in a entry process that's a mix between the Tunnel nightclub and a TSA search, to the feeling of being incommunicado (since cell phones and laptops are barred in the facilities). The actual workshops were really amazing, but since it was my first session, it was also draining and a lot to process.

Leaving Rikers, my first thought was to relax. To put my feet up and reflect on the day of workshops, which felt powerful. But then I remembered that my friend Charlotte Mouquin was co-curating Interwined in a spacious alt gallery setting. I figured the exhibition opening would be perfect for my mind to reflect. And it was

Artist Alexandra Limpert-This is not a selfie of me!

Intertwined is a group exhibition of artists whose work represents the interwoven tapestries of art and life. Curated by Christina Massey and Charlotte Mouquin, this show brings together twelve female artists working in sculpture and installation, in a 7,000 sq ft Downtown Brooklyn space operated by Chashama as an alternative art venue.

Each artist's unique materials and processes ignites a sense of discovery and intrigue in the viewer, leading them to find connective threads from one piece to another.

Steel kinetic figures by Alexandra Limpert and the adorned ball gowns and headdresses of Victoria-Idongesit Udondian greet visitors to the space. Floating installations by Sui Park made from zip ties, are suspended in the air like thought bubbles or clouds sweeping past. A new work of found materials and fabric by Sara Jimenez drapes the space. A large work by Adebunmi Gbadebo, made with hair, is suspended slightly above the ground, while smaller organic forms adorn the wall.

A huge sea of black by Charlotte Becket sways and ripples within the space, complimenting the large-scale paper works of Kate Rusek. White pieces by Julia von Eichel show the abstraction of form, object and material. Net-like traps and rope forms by Tomo Mori hang. Armita Raafat's installation explores the architecture of space, and the dialogue between wall and floor. Lina Puerta brings us back to nature with the biological form, packed and ready for travel. The interactive cuddle monster of Luiza Kurzyna reminds us all of the love and comfort that connects us as humans.

Intertwined is a multi-sensory exhibition. There is no standard geometry, but everything resonates with its organic forms. Connecting floor, wall and free-floating space, the life force of art is intertwined with everyday experience.

I'm using creative writing to help female inmates on Rikers Island to reflect on their energy and emotions and the actions that led them to being incarcerated. To understand their triggers, and see outside of themselves, to lessen the chances of their return to any correctional facility.

The exhibition let me soar. It cajoled my mind to explore and absorb the energy of the pieces and visualize the connection between human form, human existence and human experience, as I thought about the women at Rikers.

I'm not sure if Charlotte and Christina have curated other shows together, but they did an excellent job with Intertwined. They're both artists and curators and you can find more information about them and the exhibition by clicking here.

It's up until January 5th and there will be a closing reception.