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Brooklyn Residents Take to the Streets, Demand Trump's Removal

Several thousand protesters marched to the home of Chuck Schumer chanting, "No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA"
Protesters leave Barclays Center and march towards Chuck Schumers house. Photo: Kevin Limiti for BK Reader

Several thousand Brooklyn residents gathered at Barclays Center at around 6:00pm Thursday and then marched to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's house in Park Slope, calling for President Trump's immediate removal.

The Brooklyn protest and march, organized by members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the Working Families Party (WFP), came a day after a mob of around 600 Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol during a joint session to certify President-Elect Joe Biden's Electoral College win.

Trump, who lost the popular and electoral college vote, has continued to dispute the election results, without evidence since last November, and encouraged his supporters to riot-- one that quickly turned violent and caused lawmakers to evacuate the building. 

Those involved in the Brooklyn protest expressed outrage that Capitol Police put up little resistance to rioters, in contrast to the heavy-handed police reaction to the protests against the killing of George Floyd.

DSA speakers called those who stormed the building "terrorists" and said they were "aided and abetted by the police." Speakers called for "the right-wing terrorism that happened yesterday be held to account" as well as for President Trump's removal from office.

"The people united will never be defeated" chanted protesters to the sound of drums outside the Barclays Center. 

Protesters march on Flatbush Ave. Photo: Kevin Limiti for BK Reader

Charlie from Williamsburg said most troubling to him was the Capitol Police's response to the violent riot.

"It creates signals to white supremacists, militia groups, Trump cultists and conspiracy theorists that there is not going to be any resistance to the taking of state buildings," he said, adding right-wing Trump supporters could now "be violent without consequence." 

Katie from Bed-Stuy held a sign that read, "Impeach Trump Yesterday." 

Katie from Bed-Stuy holds sign at Barclays Center
Katie from Bed-Stuy holds sign at Barclays Center. Photo: Kevin Limiti for BK Reader

Katie said the storming of the Capitol was one of the most horrible things she had seen in a long time and she decried the "blatant racism of the police," adding rioters were let into the Capitol building, "because they were white."

WFP called on Congress to "expel, impeach and investigate" Trump in response to the riot and called the Republican Party an 'insurrectionist party." A WFP speaker said the National Guard was "nowhere to be seen," even though they were activated to deal with largely peaceful BLM protesters in June.

Trump resisted calling the National Guard during the riot, but eventually Vice President Mike Pence called them in. It took until around 5:00pm for the authorities to take back control of the Capitol building, at which point the majority of the rioters simply left. 

In Brooklyn, protestors alternated between chanting "No cops, no KKK, no fascists USA" to "No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA," as they marched down Flatbush Avenue toward Schumer's apartment.

"We are here to tell Chuck Schumer to do your job," a DSA member said, in front of Schumer's apartment. "People are suffering. We need more from you."

Another DSA member declared the "days of the bare minimum are over."

Around the same time the march was happening, Trump finally conceded the election saying there would be a new administration on Jan. 20. 

The riot at the Capitol left 5 people dead, including a Capitol police officer, and a woman who was shot in the building.