Rep. Jeffries calls 'Trump Bully-in-Chief;' Rep. Clarke feels reminded of the worst moments of American history; BP Adams calls for solidarity with immigrant families.

Since news, images, and most recently audio files, surfaced and documented the government-sanctioned separation of immigrant families at the southern U.S. border, voices of opposition have emerged all over the country. Hundreds of rallies are planned nationwide in opposition to President Trump's zero-tolerance immigration policy. On Sunday, June 24, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams calls on Brooklynites to join him on a stroller march to denounce the Trump Administration's family separation policy that has created a humanitarian crisis across the country, including hundreds of affected kids who are being detained around New York City.
"Hearing children desperately cry out for their parents as ICE agents hold them in detention on our border — and in our very city — cuts me to my core," said Adams. "Their cries will not fall on deaf ears in Brooklyn. We must mobilize to reunite families now."

On Wednesday, in response to the nationwide outcry, President Trump signed an executive order to end the policy, an order that does nothing to address the fate of the children who have already been separated, as Councilmember Jumaane Williams harshly criticized.
"The Trump administration's executive order does nothing to fix the humanitarian crisis at our border and does nothing to reunite the thousands of children ripped from their families as they flee danger and hardship in pursuit of a better life —or as Trump said: 'to infest our country,'" said Williams. "New York must be a sanctuary city, a sanctuary state and stand in fierce opposition to Donald Trump and his allies as they target the most vulnerable among us."
Governor Cuomo revealed on Thursday that the state may be housing as many as 700 children who were taken from their parents on the southern border as part of President Trump's zero-tolerance immigration policy, reported the NY Daily News. In response, Public Advocate Tish James penned a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, demanding from the administration to develop a plan to reunite the families.

"It has been reported that more than 300 kids are being detained in New York City, as young as nine months old. As Public Advocate for the City of New York, the wellbeing and immediate reunification of these children is my utmost priority," wrote James. "There continues to be no discussion from this administration of a plan to reunite the thousands of children who have been inhumanely torn apart from their families. As this crisis changes and unfolds, we call on you to release this administration's plan to ensure these families are reunited expeditiously."
Congresswoman Yvette Clarke expressed her vehement opposition to the zero-tolerance policy which reminded her of "the worst of American history," citing the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, the refusal to grant safety to Jewish refugees during the Holocaust and the treatment of slaves during the Middle Passage from Africa as examples and pointed out that the crisis is far from over.
"The president finally gave way to public pressure by signing an executive order that he claims will end this horrific policy," said Clarke. "Unfortunately, he did so by abrogating his responsibility under the Flores Agreement to release children without unnecessary delay and to keep those who are in custody under the least restrictive conditions. This means that children will be detained with their families, which is also unacceptable."
Also Congressman Hakeem Jeffries found strong words of condemnation for the administration and its immigration policies.
"Bully-in-Chief caved (what a tough guy)," tweeted Jeffries."But we're not done. Now we must break the so-called AG's new asylum policy, which limits the ability of domestic/gang violence victims to apply for relief."
In response to the President Trump's approach to immigration enforcement, BP Adams urged his fellow Brooklynites to speak out and join Sunday's March. The stroller march will begin at 5:00pm at D'Emic Playground in Sunset Park, proceeding to the Metropolitan Detention Center, a federal building operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons.