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$1M in Government Funding Directed to Brooklyn's Black Veterans for Social Justice

The funding will support a transitional program that offers veterans assistance securing employment.
Hakeem Jeffries presents the Black Veterans for Social Justice with $1 million. Photo: Provided/Andy Eichar.

Black Veterans for Social Justice will receive $1 million for its Incarcerated Veterans Transitional Program. 

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries secured the funding through the government funding law. He officially announced funding at the Veterans Resource Fair on Friday, Feb. 24.

The funding aims to support initiatives that provide employment, housing and other assistance to formerly incarcerated veterans. 

BVSJ’s Incarcerated Veterans Transitional Program offers assistance securing employment, which reduces recidivism, enhances public safety and saves taxpayer dollars.

The organization’s Veterans Resource Fair on Feb. 24, will also host representatives from organizations that can help veterans find affordable housing and employment. The fair will run from 11:00am-1:00pm at BVSJ Headquarters, 665 Willoughby Ave. in Brooklyn. 

Since its founding in 1979, BVSJ has operated the Veterans Resource Center to provide access to assistance to resolve complex problems that have historically limited the opportunity of veterans to be contributing members to their families, community and society. For more information, click here