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Video: What It Means When Black Communities Are Undercounted in the Census

The second in a five-part video series highlighting the urgent need for Brooklyn communities, especially communities of color, to fill out the census.
Screenshot 2020-10-02 at 09.30.37

Census 2020 is the most important count of our lives.

This year, the nation's decennial enumeration of people living in America has been weaponized for political gain by a federal government that's become increasingly hostile towards progressive cities and diverse communities.

The Census deadline remains in limbo while advocates battle the Trump administration in court, which gives undercounted neighborhoods — particularly communities of color — a small window to boost their completion rates. Across Brooklyn, far too many have yet to be counted, particularly in Black and Brown neighborhoods, which are averaging below 50%.

They're typically the hardest to count, which means losing out on their fair share of federal dollars, money for housing, education, healthcare, transportation and more.

Census numbers are also used to determine federal, state and local representation. Losing a seat or more in the House of Representatives could mean the difference between recovery and ruin for NYC as it strives for stability and normalcy amidst a global pandemic.

The Census for Law and Social Justice at Medgar Evers College (CLSJ) is working on the ground to galvanize Black and Latinx New Yorkers to fill out the Census. This video series taps voices from those communities to highlight the urgent needs that accurate Census numbers help fill and bolster turnout amongst fellow NYC residents of all backgrounds.

To complete the census follow this link. The see part one in the series click here.