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This Reiki Technician in Flatbush Says The Body Needs a 'Tune up' From Time to Time

"The way we live our lives, we become fragmented without realizing it," says Boshko Boscovic. "Reiki brings you back to your core and center."
Bosco Boscovic
Boshko Boscovic of Let’s Heal NYC Reiki and Sound Therapy Services Photo: BK Reader

It's pretty safe to say that Flatbush Avenue-- particularly the narrow stretch that runs adjacent to Prospect Park-- is chaos in motion. And that's not a criticism; it's just a fact.

So, what a welcome relief to know that in the middle of chaos, there's refuge. And no, I'm not talking about the yummy sort offered in the form of roti or doubles, peas and rice or plantains. These gastric sanctuaries in Flatbush make it worth the hustle and bustle.

I'm referring to another kind of oasis -- one where the body, the entire body has a chance to decompress, cleanse and heal.

It's like a tune-up for the body, and the best part about it is that, in 60 minutes or less, the client emerges feeling virtually brand new.

The "mechanic" in this case is Boshko Boskovic, founder of Let’s Heal NYC, located at 666 Flatbush, inside of Creatorspace Studio. Boskovic offers a non-invasive, alternative healing modality known as Reiki, which awakens, harnesses and then manipulates one's own energy field as a medium for healing and well being.

In the past two decades, more and more people have become familiar with Reiki. However, it remains a concept that many struggle to truly understand. Originating from Japan, Reiki-- sometimes referred to as "universal life healing"-- taps into the electromagnetic field of the body by utilizing the hands to adjust the body’s vibrational frequencies.

"Scientifically speaking, there's an electromagnetic field around our body in which every little cell immenates electricity," said Boscovic, who is trained in the Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho lineage by Aki Hirata Baker, Manu del Prete and Alice Jones. And he holds a certification in sound healing from the Globe Institute.

"Those (energy fields) get out of balance because of life, emotions, circumstances. And Reiki is a gentle way to bring them back into balance."

Reiki treatments are meant to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and reduce the sympathetic nervous system (fight and flight), helping the body to release physical and emotional constraints, purportedly improving the health and wellness.

"The way we live our lives, we become fragmented without realizing it," adds Boscovic. "Reiki brings you back to your core and center."

The modality operates on the premise that living beings are connected on a subatomic level through tiny particles which make up the fabric of the universe and have its own intelligence. The Reiki practitioner spends many months immersed in this learning, achieving certification at ascending levels.

Boscovic first learned about Reiki four years ago when he bumped into one of his old high school teachers who shared she was doing Reiki to improve her health and well being. He was intrigued:

"I began to read up on it, and decided to just go for first degree, just for myself, to help myself," he said. "And I remember my Reiki teacher telling me that it would call me back. Six months later, I decided I was ready to go and do the second degree. Then after that, there was a switch for me, and I was just called into it."

Boscovic says he starts all of his sessions by setting an intention based on the needs of the client: "Usually how I start is I get to know a little bit about what is going on with you at the time. And from that feedback, I say, 'Well, I think this approach to your healing would make sense for you.' And, of course, the person will have to agree."

So the million-dollar question is, what exactly happens between client and the Reiki practitioner? And, furthermore, does Reiki actually work?

"So with our hands, we do gestures from the head to the toes and work with the meridians that are very similar to acupuncture," Boscovic explained. "We touch upon the same energy centers-- or chakras-- as acupuncture. The head has 4, then there's the heart, the stomach, the root, and then there are minor chakras behind the knees and other areas."

During an individual Reiki session the practitioner uses light touch throughout specific areas of the body on a fully clothed patient. Photo:

In the session, following a 15 minute conversation about the client's needs, the client will lay prone on a padded, elevated table. Boscovic's small room is first saged and then accented with burning incense. He washes his hands. The temperature is regulated. He offers a blanket, if preferred, and sets the mood with calming music.

Then, for the next 60 minutes, he will begin moving his hands around areas of the body in a very slow, somewhat sweeping and scooping motion, lightly touching certain areas where there may have been an emphasis on tension or pain.

"A lot of people will say after the sessions that they can 'feel themselves again,' because it opens up the energy blockages and balances them out."

How often does a person need to come? Will one time be sufficient for a new client?

"If there is something serious that you are working on addressing, I say it's better to come regularly. It's like tuning a car; if you do it once in a while, that's great, but it will get rusty. But it if you do it regularly, like once a week or even once a month, the flow is going to become better and you'll begin to maintain a balance."

Boscovic said he gives himself Reiki every day so that he can be as clear as possible for other people.

"I'm seeing a lot of younger people, like in their 20s, really coming into this modality. They are open," Boscovic said. "But I have clients of all ages. It's just important to understand that to get the most out of Reiki, you just have to be open."

Boscovic's practice is mobile, so he travels between studio locations, makes house calls; and he holds classes in studios, at camps, or remote over Zoom upon request. Sessions run from between $20/person for group classes, to $80 for a 60-min studio session, to $200 for house calls.

For more information on Boshko Boscovic and Lets Heal NYC's services, go here.