1. Alternate Side Parking regulations will be suspended on Wednesday, February 12, in recognition of Abraham Lincoln's birthday.
2. IT'S COLD!!! We'll be in the high 20's for the first part of the week, according to weather.com. When it finally begins to warm up around Thursday, that's when it's likely we get yet another snowstorm. The good news is, the freeze may be finally receding after that. The subsequent five days, temperatures will hover around the mid- to high-30s.

3. On Wednesday, at 7:30pm join The Brecht Forum and Brooklyn Movement Center for a people's history of black Brooklyn told through the oral histories of Yusuf Nurrudin, Kendall Jackman, Derrick Scott, and Zakia Henderson-Brown, moderated by Patrick Dougher. The event will take place at the Brecht Forum, located at 388 Atlantic Avenue.

4. This Thursday, at 6:30pm, the Brooklyn Museum is featuring a special, free "Spanish Visit and Tour" of the museum. View art and share your perspective with a friendly and knowledgeable tour guide during the museum's usual visiting hours. Este Jueves, 13 de febrero, 6:30 p.m., Visita en Español: "Enamorandonos" Gratis con entrada al museo. Contempla arte y comparte tu perspectiva con una amable y conocedora guía, en nuestras visitas mensuales gratis en Español.
5. This week is your last week to register for the DIVAS for Social Justice mid-winter break STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts Math) Camp for girls. The camp starts next Monday, February 17 —February 21. For more information, go here.