Look at what's happening in your week ahead!
1. Tuesday, November 4, is election day. Don't forget to vote!

2. Weather: Cool temps all week with highs mostly in the low 60s and a chance of rain on Thursday and Friday.
3. Alternate side of the street parking regulations are suspended on Tuesday, November 4, for election day.
4. Community Board 3 meets on Monday, November 3, 7:00pm at Restoration Plaza, 1368 Fulton Street, basement level.

5. On Wednesday, November 5, at 6:30pm, join and friends for a free a small business workshop on Incorporation! This FREE interactive workshop focuses on the foundation of forming the corporate structure of your business. The event will be held at the PACC Office, 896-900 Fulton Street, 2nd Floor, Bklyn, NY.
6. On Thursday, November 6, at 6:30pm, Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration will host a book signing and conversation with Buddha Monk surrounding his new book, "The Dirty Version: On Stage, in the Studio, and in the Streets with Ol' Dirty Bastard," co-authored by Mickey Hess.