Alternate Side of the Street Parking Regulations are in full effect this week.
Weather is cloudy and rainy for most of this week, with temperatures hovering between the mid 70s to high 80s.
This week, beginning Monday, June 9, is Brooklyn Pride Week. To see the full lineup of activities this week leading up to the Saturday annual parade, go here.
Also, the 77th Precinct, covering the section of Crown Heights north of Eastern Parkway, will hold its monthly community council meeting on Monday, June 9, 7:30pm, location, TBD (The Reader will update upon hearing). *Note: This will be the final precinct meeting before the summer recess. The next meeting will resume in September.
On Tuesday, June 10, the 81st Precinct, covering the section of Bedford-Stuyvesant east of Marcus Garvey Blvd, will hold its monthly community council meeting, 7:00pm at 794 Monroe Street. *Note: This will be the final precinct meeting before the summer recess. The next meeting will resume in September.
On Thursday, June 12, at 7:30pm, Greenlight Bookstore, located at 686 Fulton Street will hold a panel discussion, entitled, "Michael Jackson: King of Pop, Rock, Soul — And Hip-Hop?" featuring Zack O'Malley Greenburg, author of "Michael Jackson, Inc.: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of a Billion-Dollar Empire,"
in conversation with Fab 5 Freddy and DJ Clark Kent.

Community Board 8 covering Crown Heights will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, June 12, 7:00pm, at Concern for Independent Living, located at 151 Rochester Avenue corner of St. Marks Avenue. *Note: This will be the final CB8 meeting before the summer recess. The next meeting will resume in September.