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Spike Lee Block Party in Bed-Stuy: Get Ready for 'The Hottest Day of the Year'

At a press conference on Tuesday, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the iconic movie Do the Right Thing , Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams presented the movie's writer and director Spike Lee with a citation proclaiming the day "Do the Right Th

wpid-radio-raheem-lee-thumb-640xauto-3726At a press conference on Tuesday, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the iconic movie Do the Right Thing, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams presented the movie's writer and director Spike Lee with a citation proclaiming the day "Do the Right Thing Day," also officially naming the block where Lee filmed his movie (Stuyvesant Avenue, between Lexington and Quincy) back in 1989 "Do the Right Thing Way."

Then, Adams announced at the press conference: On Saturday, June 28, from 12:00pm - 6:00pm, Spike Lee was throwing a free block party, on "Do the Right Thing Way!"

Lee will be the master of ceremonies at the block party, which his Fort Greene production company 40 Acres and a Mule is co-hosting with the Stuyvesant Co-op Block Association.

Imagine: all the folks in Brooklyn who grew up knowing and loving and referencing Do the Right Thing... packed into one singular block?

Get ready to relive Lee's depiction in the movie of the hottest day of the year-- literally and figuratively. And juuust in case you need a reminder of how that one worked out, watch the movie.

(And do the right thing).