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Sen. Schumer Calling for Controls on Deadly New Drug Spreading Across U.S

Senator Chuck Schumer speaks to the crowd at the 2013 Iowa Democratic Party Jefferson Jackson Dinner in Des Moines, IA Photo: Gregory Hauenstein U.S. Sen.
White China, Charles Schumer, drug trafficking, funding, heroine
Senator Chuck Schumer speaks to the crowd at the 2013 Iowa Democratic Party Jefferson Jackson Dinner in Des Moines, IA
Photo: Gregory Hauenstein

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer said the Obama administration should restore and increase funding for drug-trafficking prevention in light of a dangerous new form of heroin that is spreading across the U.S., the Daily News writes.

The drug is a highly potent opiod called "China White," that is deadly when injected and is now being sold in New York as a "superhigh," Schumer said.

President Obama wants to cut the federal High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program by $50 million, from $245 million to $193 million.

Schumer says now is not the time to relax controls on drug trafficking, rather given what is now happening, greater funding needs to flow towards beefing up controls: "I simply do not agree with his plan to cut critical trafficking funding," Schumer said.