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Opponents of Common Core Academic Standards Working on an 'Anti-Common Core' Ballot Line

Opinions are split across the board around Common Core standards: Some parents feel it's a final shot at academic parity for their child; others feel the standards are an unnecessary burden and distraction from the key fundamentals of academic achiev
Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 9.01.49 PM

Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 9.01.49 PMOpinions are split across the board around Common Core standards: Some parents feel it's a final shot at academic parity for their child; others feel the standards are an unnecessary burden and distraction from the key fundamentals of academic achievement.

Either way you slice it, Common Core has become a serious-as-a-heart-attack issue for both parents and teachers alike.

In fact, an effort is now underway to create a statewide anti-Common Core ballot line for the November elections, State of Politics reports.

If the 15,000 necessary signatures are gathered to begin the party line, it will give voters the chance to vote for candidates who have expressed opposition to the new test standards.

"Once created, you will have the opportunity to vote for candidates who have expressed their opposition to Common Core and will fight to end these untested and unfair standards put on our children," GOP consultant Vince Casale wrote.

"Voting on the 'StopCommonCore' line will also send a strong message to Albany that the parents and taxpayers of New York want action NOW!"