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NYPD Cracks Down on Cyclists, More than 100 Summonses Issued Over Weekend

Photo: columbusridesbikes.

New York City Police slapped cyclists with 103 summonses during a weekend crackdown launched a day after Jill Tarlov was hit while walking in Central Park by a speed demon on a high-performance bike, reported the New York Post.

Tarlov, a mother of two, was left brain-dead from Thursday's crash and spent the weekend on life support.

Between Friday and Sunday, 29 riders were caught failing to yield to pedestrians, 26 blew red lights and 30 were ticketed for wearing headphones, according the NYPD.

Officers wrote 42 of the tickets in a "targeted enforcement area" near where Tarlove was hit, along West Drive from West 60th Street to West 65th Street.

There were 56 summonses doled out on Friday, 27 on Saturday and 20 on Sunday.