The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council (PHNDC) has the following events coming up this week!
Plant giveaway on Underhill Avenue
Tomorrow at 2 p.m., The Horticultural Society of New York will be on Underhill Avenue giving away plants for your home and kitchen. Stop by and take home some succulents and herbs to brighten your space!
Sign up for the Open Streets blood drive
The PHNDC is hoping to host a blood drive in partnership with New York Blood Center. In order to do so, at least 50 people must volunteer and pledge to donate ahead of time. Sign up can be found here. Volunteers will contacted to confirm the date and time of our blood drive once enough pledges have been made.
Open Streets hours for Labor Day
Vanderbilt Avenue will operate with weekend Open Streets hours of 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Labor Day, Monday, September 5. The street will be closed to traffic from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Open Streets will not operate on Underhill Avenue on Labor Day.
Yoga on Underhill Avenue
Every Tuesday evening until September 27, join Teachers from Shambhala Yoga & Dance or a free Yoga Class with your neighbors. 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. between Park Place and Sterling Place. A current listing of events is available here.
Tell us about your experience with trash on Vanderbilt Avenue
PHNDC is partnering with the Center for Zero Waste Design to develop solutions to better manage the waste created in on Vanderbilt Avenue. Whether you are a resident of Vanderbilt Avenue, a visitor to the street, or a business operating here, we would love to hear your perspective on trash and recycling!
This project has received a grant from the Association for a Better New York, and is part of the Put Waste to Work: For Vibrant Streetscapes, Green Jobs and Healthy Neighborhoods advocacy campaign.