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New Mapping Tool Shows Severity of East New York's Murder Rate

Photo by Flickr user DeShaun Craddock, used under a Creative Commons license Statistics and reports about the crime rates in certain areas of New York City are readily available and often reprinted in publications around the country.
brownsville, East New York, murder rate, murder rate map
Photo by Flickr user DeShaun Craddock, used under a Creative Commons license

Statistics and reports about the crime rates in certain areas of New York City are readily available and often reprinted in publications around the country.  Each year certain publications even produce a countdown of the most dangerous cities around the world. Although these statistics are generally compared on a scale that pits one city against another based on size and population, a new map breaks down the murder rate by Brooklyn neighborhoods and compares those statistics with that of entire cities like Atlanta.

According to the data, East New York, Brownsville and Crown Heights have murder rates that are comparable to the murder rates of Oakland, Newark and Chicago. The dynamic new map is the latest from data visualization guru Ben Wellington, who is known for his aptitude at interpreting New York City records and information.  He made the map using the Bushwick mapping platform CARTO. As many Brooklynites would guess, some areas of Williamsburg, Greenpoint and Brooklyn Heights had murder rates so low that they could be comparable to the neighborhoods in Honolulu, Hawaii.