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Mayor De Blasio to Charter Schools: This is the End, Friend!

Under former Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration, it seemed charter schools and the City would be friends 'till the end.
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Under former Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration, it seemed charter schools and the City would be friends 'till the end.

But in a 180-degree reversal of Bloomberg's policies, De Blasio says he will no longer allow charter schools to share space in public school buildings, reported the New York Post.

"There will be a moratorium on closures and co-locations," the mayor said on WNYC radio.

The announcement comes just days after the mayor's proposal to cut $210 million from a charter construction fund, which would allow charter schools to build their own space, should they not be able to co-locate.

Mayor De Blasio shared these plans and a series of other bad-news announcements for charter schools, including:

* Turning down $70 million in philanthropic dollars, because private donors put up one dollar for every two paid out by the city for charter-school construction.

*Charging rent to some existing charter schools, which are publicly funded but privately managed.

* Possibly rescinding co-locations that were approved last year under Bloomberg

It looks like that BFF relationship New York City had with charter schools may be coming to an end.