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Having Trouble Sleeping? 5 Tips to Help You Get a Good Night's Sleep

A good night's sleep is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet.
better sleep

A good night's sleep is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet. According to researchers, a lack of sleep negatively impacts hormones, brain function, and exercise performance. It can also result in weight gain, which increases the risk of diseases in both children and adults. 

Quality sleep also helps you eat less, exercise better, and be healthier. But thanks to our lifestyle, both sleep quantity and quality have declined over the past few years, which means more people are getting an inadequate night's sleep. 

If you're having trouble sleeping, it's not just a minor inconvenience; it's leading to degradations in your quality of life. So here are some tips to sleep better and optimize your health or lose weight in the process. 

Get Less Blue Light at Night

Exposure to bright light generally affects your circadian rhythm, improving daytime energy, and helping you stay awake. While it is beneficial during the day, nighttime light exposure has adverse effects. Exposure to blue light during the night makes your brain think it's still daytime, which reduces the production of melatonin that aids deep sleep and relaxation. 

Electronic devices like computers and smartphones emit a large amount of blue light, reducing your chances of sleeping better. Some ways to cut down on your exposure to blue night include wearing glasses that block the blue light, turning off bright lights two hours before heading to bed, and installing apps on your mobile devices that shut out blue light.

Cut Down On Caffeine

Thanks to its numerous benefits, over 90 percent of individuals in the U.S. consume caffeine. A single cup of caffeine helps enhance energy, focus, and sports performance. However, consuming caffeine late in the day stimulates your nervous system, and stops your body from relaxing at night. 

In a study conducted by PubMed, they found that drinking caffeine up to six hours before bed worsened sleep quality. Caffeine can work its magic in your body for six to eight hours. Thus, it is recommended not to drink a large amount of coffee after three or four in the afternoon. 

Keep a Regular Routine

Your body's circadian rhythm revolves on a loop that aligns itself with sunrise and sunset. This helps you stay consistent with your sleep and waking times, which results in a better night's sleep.

Various researchers have found that people with irregular sleeping patterns and those who went to bed late on weekends reported poor sleep. If you have the habit of tossing and turning in bed, try to get in the habit of waking up and sleeping at fixed times. You will be surprised to find that you don't even require an alarm after a few weeks. 

Get a Comfortable Mattress

Some people might think that investing in a good mattress is an expensive decision. However, in reality, it is one of the most pivotal things that can improve your sleep quality

A comfortable and supportive mattress decreases stress and can improve your overall mood by allowing you to have a good night's rest. Furthermore, when you lie down in a specific position for too long, the upward resistance of the mattress and the unbalanced downward gravity can misalign your body and form pressure points. The result is sore joints, lower back discomfort, neck pain, and hip irritation. 

A quality mattress offers the right support for your body by helping you maintain a healthy sleep posture. If you have been using your mattress for a long time, say nine to teb years, chances are it has exceeded its life expectancy. So, it's time you buy a good mattress now. Check out this list of mattresses you can order online and find the perfect mattress for you.

Get Plenty of Exercise

Exercise can help you fall asleep quickly and sleep more soundly. When you exercise, your body produces cortisol. Cortisol is the hormone that is linked to stress, which activates the alerting mechanism in the brain. This isn't a problem unless you work out right before going to bed. 

Try to do moderate exercises at least three hours before going to bed. If you are still facing difficulties getting quality sleep, push the activity even earlier in the day. Also, consider doing a relaxing, low-impact workout like yoga or light stretching to help promote better sleep quality.

Time to Invest in Your Sleep and Health

Sleep is vital to your overall health. Studies prove that insufficient sleep leads to an increased risk of obesity by 89 percent in children and by 55 percent of adults. The bottom line is that if you want to stay healthy, sleep should be your top priority.