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Cumbe: African Dance and Culture Summer for Kids

Cumbe offers African dance summer camp for children Summer is a time for your little ones to create bright-colored costumes, play explorative games, sing uplifting songs and dance to spirit filled music.

Cumbe offers African dance summer camp for children

Summer is a time for your little ones to create bright-colored costumes, play explorative games, sing uplifting songs and dance to spirit filled music.

Brooklyn parents work hard to ensure their children receive a holistic education, introducing them to activities and experiences that ultimately enrich, fortify and excite their growing ones as they enjoy the summer.

That's why parents and families are returning to summer camp at Cumbe: Center for African and Diaspora Dance.  For some parents, the camp is a vehicle to teach their Black and Brown children about their African ancestry, culture, music and dance, while others may introduce their children to the rich diversity of the African Diaspora.

Marit Dewhurst, a returning camp mom and social worker, is interested in giving her little girl a transformational experience that not only allows her to have fun and learn, but to also create lasting connections with people and cultures unlike her own.

"I felt like every day my daughter was coming home telling me compelling stories about what she learned at camp. I could tell her mind was engaged and her body and her soul," Marit says. "I appreciated how many counselors there were for the number of children and the age range of the counselors, also."

The Dance, Drum & Imagination Summer Camp is a four week long program, divided into two sessions, that takes children ages three to seven on a journey through African and its Diaspora using play, storytelling, music and art. During the first session, children explore the magical mysteries of the original lion king in Mali. They discover what animals thrive in the savanna and those that lurk in the swampy waters of the wetlands.

During the second session, campers sing and dance their way through the Caribbean Sea, discovering the tasty delights of island treats, learning about steel-drums and creating beautiful instruments of their own. At the end of each two-week session, campers show off their newly acquired skills during an absolutely thrilling showcase. They tell stories, paint vibrant stage backdrops, create instruments and costumes, sing songs and dance their favorite pieces from the Diaspora. Every child shines bright and uses his or her imagination like they never have before.

This immersive summer camp is not like any other, offering a beautifully diverse and safe space for kids from all backgrounds to discover and learn with one another as they explore cultures through experience and imagination.

Camp director and educator, Aja-Nicole Hope has created an experience for children that nurtures their holistic selves, empowering each child to take the lead, share knowledge with others and create whatever their beautiful minds can conceive.

"Our goal is for campers to have a great time, make new friends and make meaningful connections. More importantly, we want them to understand the different cultures they're exploring," says Aja-Nicole.

"The campers are learning about different cultures and learning to connect with them in their daily lives by finding similarities in their foods, musical instruments and more. They are building bridges between their own life and other cultures."

The camp is structured like Montessori education, giving children the power to lead, learn and create together.

Enroll your little one at