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Man Plans to Sue City After Hospital Loses His Thumb

Raymond Henderson plans to sue the city for $5 million after doctors at Kings County Hospital lost a part of thumb, reported the Daily News .
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Raymond Henderson plans to sue the city for $5 million after doctors at Kings County Hospital lost a part of thumb, reported the Daily News.

The 60-year-old Vietnam vet was rushed to the hospital following an accident on the job in which a steel door crushed part of his thumb as he helping clear out the basement of a bodega in Bedford-Stuyvesant.

After taking an x-ray of Henderson's thumb, doctors said they would be able to reattach it. But later, apparently, the doctors began to scramble when the thumb was nowhere to be found.

"They were looking under the table and asking the orderlies and everybody. Nobody knew where it was," Henderson said. "The only thing they could do was to cut the bone and tissue back and sew it up."

Henderson's lawyer, Harley Fastman, said he plans to file a notice of claim on Tuesday indicating his client's intention to sue the city.