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Angry and Overwhelmed: The Men Who Experience Postnatal Depression

photo credit: Long overlooked in women, and written off as "the baby blues," post-natal depression is a serious issue in new mothers. New research suggests that the condition may affect men, too.
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Long overlooked in women, and written off as "the baby blues," post-natal depression is a serious issue in new mothers. New research suggests that the condition may affect men, too.

Australian photographer Israel and his wife Sarah* suffered two miscarriages trying to conceive their second child. So when they found out she was pregnant, they were ecstatic—and immediately set out to reconfigure their lifestyle and work routines to prepare for the birth. Wanting his partner to be able to embrace full-time motherhood, Israel also took on new management roles and extra workloads.

With its mixture of sleep deprivation and endless domestic chores, parenting was tough on both of them.

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