Hear ye, hear ye, all small businesses: All aboard the "Chamber on the Go!"
Yes, that's right. It's a mobile chamber of commerce!
"Chamber on the Go" is a new citywide initiative, the brainchild of City Councilmember Robert Cornegy, that will bring business and employment services to the businesses that are in need by way of a mobile van.

The program, funded through the leadership of Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, was unveiled last Thursday at Barbara's Flower Shop on Bergen Street by Cornegy and Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce President Carlos Scissura and is the first initiative of its kind.
It will bring all Chamber services — including assistance with financial, legal and employee recruitment issues -- to any neighborhood, wherever and whenever they can be used to assist businesses.

"Today, the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce hits the road and heads to the doorsteps of businesses across the borough," said Scissura.
"The launch of 'Chamber on the Go' is the fulfillment of the commitment I have made as Small Business Committee Chair -- to deal with small businesses in a manner that shows that we understand their struggles and their importance," said Cornegy. "Through 'Chamber on the Go' we are literally putting our money where our mouths are."
"Camber on the Go" will start its pilot phase in Brooklyn and expand citywide in the coming months.