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After Two Cops are Killed, Sharpton Says Protests Must Go On

Rev Al Sharpton at a press conference with Esaw Garner, Eric Garner's widow The Rev. Al Sharpton said the murder of the two NYPD officers will not stop the protest movement against overaggressive police tactics, reported the Daily News .
Rev Al Sharpton at a press conference  with Esaw Garner, Eric Garner's widow
Rev Al Sharpton at a press conference with Esaw Garner, Eric Garner's widow

The Rev. Al Sharpton said the murder of the two NYPD officers will not stop the protest movement against overaggressive police tactics, reported the Daily News.

Sharpton said he's made a point in all of his speeches to point out that he doesn't think most police are bad but that some are. And that's the element he said wants to ferret out. To cease questioning any police because of what happened to the cops on Saturday, he said, would be dangerous and un-American.

"This lone gunman who was certainly antithetical to everything we stand for, was not a member of the movement and therefore should not be able to alter the movement or alter policing," Sharpton told the Daily News. "Those police were there protecting our community and must be respected and regarded. And the issue that bad cops bring up also must be dealt with. That can't change."

Sharpton added: "The regard for good police should not change and the need for those bad police to be held accountabile should not change. Those two things are non-negotiable."