Drink and be merry during the second annual Kwanzaa Crawl in support of black-owned bars in Bed-Stuy, Crown Heights, Prospect Heights, Clinton Hill and Fort Greene

Kwanzaa Crawl, a Kwanzaa-celebrating bar crawl, returns for its second year of revelry, education and support for black-owned businesses, on Tuesday, December 26. This year, crawlers can celebrate a day of unity, fun and fellowship by choosing from over 20 bars in Central Brooklyn.
Launched in 2016, the Kwanzaa Crawl takes place on the first day of the week-long holiday and celebrates "Umoja" (unity) by highlighting the social aspect of community building and economic empowerment. The one-day event joins people of the African diaspora to support the Black-owned bars in their neighborhoods.
The crawl is presented by comedian Kerry Coddett and Operation Mobilize, a grassroots organization founded by Coddett alongside her talent manager Krystal Stark and encourages people to get involved in their communities. Last year's event included 17 bars and attracted hundreds of eager crawlers. This year, the crawl is expanding to 25 locations and businesses in Bed-Stuy, Crown Heights, Prospect Heights, Clinton Hill, Fort Greene, Park Slope and Harlem.

Born in 1966, Kwanzaa is a seven-day holiday honoring African heritage that takes its name from the phrase "matunda ya kwanza," which in Swahili means "first fruits." The week-long celebration is rooted in several bedrock principles, such as 'Umoja' or Ujamaa (community).
To kick off the holiday with the Kwanzaa Crawl, revelers must purchase their tickets online prior to the event. For $20, attendees will receive a wristband is your ticket to entry, and a commemorative Kwanzaa cup (while supplies last), a map and a chance to win prizes along the way. For more information or to purchase tickets, go here.
Drink, be merry and crawl responsibly!
Kwanzaa Crawl 2017
When: Tuesday, December 26, 12:00pm - when the party is over.
Where: Meet-up is at St. Francis de Sales School for the Deaf, 260 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn
How much: $20