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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

It's really the most wonderful time of the year — for me! The holidays are here! Grammarly says that "wonderful" is an overused word, but, who cares — it just shows people are overwhelmingly happy! It's also the most beautiful time of the
Christmas Blog – Facebook

It's really the most wonderful time of the year — for me! The holidays are here! Grammarly says that "wonderful" is an overused word, but, who cares — it just shows people are overwhelmingly happy! It's also the most beautiful time of the year. I have a warm, fuzzy feeling in my solar plexus area, and I'm having trouble expressing it. It's a squeal. It's a feeling of having your arms wide open. It sounds like children giggling and wrinkling their faces. I can't wrinkle my face because I'll get wrinkles. Lol just kidding.

My year has been great; I grew tremendously. It's strange that I didn't notice my growth. I was feeling it, but I couldn't see it, and then, all of a sudden, it was clear, not just in the realm of money but in the quality of my life and the relationships I have with people.

I've met some wonderful, amazing people this year and, as a result, my coaching skills have grown exponentially. I have fantastic clients who are achieving their goals and winning at their life games. I'm so happy with my purpose, my career choice. I'm not just "The Potentiator" and a personal life coach. I help people go beyond their potential and I love my job more and more every moment of every day because of what I do. I could flip right now!

I am "Live Life Your Way" because it's my truth. I'm living my life and having a great time.

In the middle of this year, I started my own radio show "Beyond Potential, Live Life Your Way," featured on And, last month I was offered my own local access cable show in Manhattan for which I just filmed three episodes. Wow wee - I'm on a roll!

I saw my generosity and the generosity of others expand and show up in ways that I've never received before. I shared tens of thousands of dollars in referrals in my various networking groups. I was voted President of Business Referral Group No. 3 (BRG3) of the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce where I'm an Ambassador. I was invited by people who I respect, and that respect me, to share my advice and opinions. I've hobnobbed with all kinds of people, and I've had tremendous fun. I love hobnobbing. I've had volunteers share their time and talents with me to further my success and their own.

Marc Morial

In 2017, I made my #1 goal in life to be happy, no matter what. I choose to be happy and satisfied in my life, and it's showed up in ways beyond my imagination. No matter how much or how little I have, no matter who loves me or doesn't, this goal has kept me grounded and continues to keep me grounded every day.

Looking forward to 2018, I ask you trying on for size the following things - if they do not fit, toss them out:

  • You are the most important person in your life.
  • Always be yourself.
  • Find and stay in touch with your personal definition of happy.
  • Believe in yourself and your dreams.
  • Change is constant; be the change you want to see in your life.
  • Make love an ingredient in everything you do.
  • Be the author of your life.

I wish you the happiest of holidays!

Are you ready to let 2017 go and ring in a brighter, happier, and healthier 2018? If so, look no further than joining me for my event, The Big Release, at Pearl Studios in New York, NY, on December 30 from 3:00 - 6:30 PM. For more information and to sign up, visit Looking forward to meeting you!

Love yourself! Until next time!