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Drawing By Harriet Faith. Seasons Greetings! ?I have recently been doing some clearing of know purging, thinning, divesting myself of things I no longer needed, loved nor found enjoyable. Well, its always hard to do that with artwork.
Drawing By Harriet Faith. Seasons Greetings!
Drawing By Harriet Faith. Seasons Greetings!
Harriet Faith, Art, Illustration, Pay Attention To Your Dreams, Quotes, Inspiration, Motivation, Dreams, Hand Lettering, Drawing, Painting, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Joy
Drawing By Harriet Faith. Seasons Greetings!

?I have recently been doing some clearing of know purging, thinning, divesting myself of things I no longer needed, loved nor found enjoyable. Well, its always hard to do that with artwork. But sometimes you just have to do it. Of course, you don't have to throw any of it out, but looking through it is a good thing to do, just to remember what you have, what you did, what you made. It was while doing this recent purging that I once again came across this old piece of art I did.

How old? Wait, I will get to that!

Freshly graduated from art school, I was hired to do this piece of art for a holiday gift tag by a famous, big department store in NYC. It was for a special Christmas promotion with one of the brands they sell. This drawing is of one of the front entrances of the store (it's a physically big store!) and the name of the store was on the flap hanging down from the awning. For the purposes of this post, I removed the store name and hand-lettered my holiday greeting to you in its place!

(The job was actually "killed," which is an industry term for "cancelled," for reasons that had nothing to do with me. The piece was never published, but I was paid a nice fee for doing it and I was pretty stoked about adding this famous retail store to my resume.)

Now, if you've read this far, you shall be rewarded! I did this piece 31 years ago! Can you believe it? I sure can't. The piece tends to subtly promote consumerism, which I am much more enlightened about now than I was back then. But, after all, it was for a big famous department store, so consumerism would be their watchword for everything they do. It's also a fairly homogenous looking group of people who may live and certainly do shop on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Which I confess, I wasn't as aware of "what's missing here" back then, in terms of diversity.

I was young and the world was kind of different as well. Now, this post is meant to be neither social nor political commentary, but I cant help but make note of some of these characteristics. Still, I like the piece because it is a sweet little snapshot of a small vignette of Christmas in NYC, then and even now. I am proud of it, too. Aside from the storefront, I made up the scene from my imagination, including designing the New Year's Eve party dresses on the mannequins in the window. I also really like the slightly "bird-in-a-tree's" perspective looking down at the scene.

With all that said, I thought it would be fun to do something different for my hand-lettered message to you; thus, this!

I hope that whatever holiday you are celebrating, you are having a warm, joyous season.

Happy days to you!!!!


Harriet Faith Art + Illustration

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