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STEAMing Towards Solutions for Gentrification Through the Eyes of Our Youth

DIVAS (Digital Interactive Visual Arts Sciences) for Social Justice launched STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts Math) Camp last week for the second year in a row.
Kiyari Jaundoo photographs historic district of Bed Stuy

DIVAS (Digital Interactive Visual Arts Sciences) for Social Justice launched STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts Math) Camp last week for the second year in a row. The theme this year for the camp is the issue of gentrification in Bedford Stuyvesant. Youth ages, 7-12 enrolled in the camp are exploring the issue of gentrification through the mediums of digital media, robotics, 3-D printing, statistics and data visualization. The camp is taking place at the organization's new home at Weeksville Heritage Center.

DIVAS kicked off the camp at Pace University. Professor Andrea Taylor and Clarisa James co-facilitated the first workshop in having youth research information about the community board, elected officials and community based organizations in Bedford Stuyvesant dealing with housing issues. Our youth also researched the definition of gentrification and found articles related to the changes the Bedford Stuyvesant. Another goal of the project is teach youth about the rich history of African-American culture in Bedford Stuyvesant. The group also visited the exhibit, "The Pursuit of Freedom" where they learned about Brooklyn Abolitionists and Activists who fought to free enslaved people at the Brooklyn Historical Society.

In the upcoming weeks, youth will also be trained in financial literacy through our partners at Neighborhood Housing Services of Bedford Stuyvesant.

The goal of introducing our youth to this topic is for them to create an interactive installation project that will provide real-life based solutions through technology to displacement, a disadvantage of gentrification and also highlight the African American history of the community.