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Serious, Cute Dog With Suzy Kassem Quote

Painted Piebald Hound By Harriet Faith. Quote By Suzy Kassem. ?Hello there! I am currently preparing for another exhibit.....(the current one is up for one more week at the Hot Spot Kingston Yoga Studio).
Painted Piebald Hound By Harriet Faith. Quote By Suzy Kassem.
Painted Piebald Hound By Harriet Faith. Quote By Suzy Kassem.
Harriet Faith, Art, Illustration, Pay Attention To Your Dreams, Quotes, Inspiration, Motivation, Dreams, Hand Lettering, Drawing, Painting, Dog, Portrait, Brown, Piebald, Doubt, Fear, Suzy Kassem
Painted Piebald Hound By Harriet Faith. Quote By Suzy Kassem.

?Hello there!

I am currently preparing for another exhibit.....(the current one is up for one more week at the Hot Spot Kingston Yoga Studio). The next one will be during May and June at Seven21 Media in Kingston. Seven21 Media is a cool office building occupied by an eclectic assortment of interesting businesses.

In the main corridor, there is about 100 feet of wall space that I will be filling up...I am getting new work made and preparing the logistics of framing/displaying. It's exciting and I hope you can come see it. I will let you know the details for the opening soon!

And now on to today's quote! This serious-looking hound is bringing you a beautiful quote from poet, author, film-maker and cultural critic Suzy Kassem.

Kassem is American of Egyptian descent. Educated in Europe, she traveled extensively with her family as a child and her global perspective informs her writing and film. Her work is poetic and philosophical; it focuses on the human condition and the awakening of compassion, generosity, kindness, peace, love and brotherhood among all cultures.

What I love most about this quote is how it demonstrates the ease with which we use the intellect to protect us from our fears. Fear is a very unpleasant feeling, and the irrational ones are the first ones we want to run away from! I'm not talking about a fear of an actual threat outside of ourselves. Those are relatively easy to identify and deal with. Running away from something outside of ourselves is a cut and dried proposition, and fear is the great servant who notifies us of the danger, which is, as I say, outside of ourselves.

But then we have irrational fears. They tend to be easy to dismiss, probably for the very reason that they originate internally and we can't always pinpoint the source. Our biggest urge is to run away from the feeling. We then use our intellectual reason to do the running away!

You could say that the intellect is commanded by the ego and the ego doesn't like all that discomfort. Say, for example, we have a really good idea to do something: start a business, invent an amazing solution to a problem, create art, write a book, start an exercise routine, etc.....or anything that we just want to do.

If it triggers any kind of irrational fear (of success, of failure, of whatever!) we start to enumerate the many reasons that logically it cannot work. We start to doubt either the viability of the idea, or how long it would take to implement, or how much time in we have in our day, or who do we think we are, yadda yadda yadda........

You get the idea......
And before we know it, we're eating a pint of So Delicious Vegan Chocolate Chip Mint Ice Cream.....

(....or is that just me?) :D

Don't let this happen to you! If you start doubting your idea with logic, just catch yourself and see if it isn't just a reaction to fear. And if it is, don't let it stop you from pursuing your dream! If you have a vision to do something, create something or change something, don't let fear slip by unchallenged simply because it was "cloaked" in reason, showing up as doubt.

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Have a brilliant week and Happy Spring!!!!
