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Hand Lettering By Harriet Faith. Quote By Douglas Adams. Hi! Remember me? Harriet? I used to do these regular hand-lettered paintings of quotes that inspire me? I've been away, perhaps you've noticed, perhaps not.
Harriet Faith Douglas Adams FTR
Hand Lettering By Harriet Faith. Quote By Douglas Adams.
Harriet Faith, Art, Illustration, Pay Attention To Your Dreams, Quotes, Inspiration, Motivation, Dreams, Hand Lettering, Drawing, Painting, Douglas Adams, Deadlines, Whooshing
Hand Lettering By Harriet Faith. Quote By Douglas Adams.

Hi! Remember me?  Harriet? I used to do these regular hand-lettered paintings of quotes that inspire me? I've been away, perhaps you've noticed, perhaps not. I thought that when I come back to you, head hung a bit sheepishly, I would like to bring you a light-hearted, slightly humorous (not too humorous of course.....don't want to seem flippant) quote that would also somehow explain the situation. I hope you find this quote from the author of the "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" fits the bill.

We all know that feeling. You put off something. And sometimes it's with good reason. I mean I had a good reason! My life was crumbling apart, or at least felt like it (its back on track, thanks) and I didn't have the stamina nor the heart to share goodness and wisdom. And each week, I heard the delicate but unmistakable "whoosh" of Friday morning blowing by, with growing gusto.

Let this be a lesson to us all. You (and I......we, basically) tend to have a harder and harder time starting back up once we have let the proverbial ball drop. BUT! If it matters to you, and it does :) just pick right back up. Start it up, wherever you have let it slide. Make your "mea culpa's" where you need to and then, carry on.

I know I will.

I hope the change of seasons is being kind to you.

Have a beautiful week!
