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This New Podcast Gets 'Civical' by Breaking Down Politics While Serving Laughs

A new Brooklyn-based podcast is unpacking American politics to empower listeners to get involved.
Let’s Get Civical, BK Reader
Lizzie and Ardern bring weekly civic lessons and laughter with their new podcast. Photo credit: A.Bradley-Smith for BK Reader

A new podcast, Let's Get Civical, is combining civics class, girl talk and comedy to break down American politics for people wanting to know about what's going on in the government.

Comedian Lizzie Stewart and political strategist Ardern Walentowski launched the weekly podcast, which is recorded in Brooklyn, at the end of January.

Walentowski developed the show after the 2017 election when she saw how people wanted to get more involved in politics and talk to their representatives but didn't where to start.

"There was a lot of information on the news that was hard to decipher, especially if you don't have basic background knowledge of how the government functions," she said. "So I really wanted to find a way to get the information out there."

Walentowski got Stewart onboard to make the show more relatable with her comedy. After working on the concept for a year, the pair released six episodes at the end of January.

Stewart wants to give listeners the confidence to create change and to go out and vote. The two are working hard to get their listeners debate-ready for the 2020 season.

"I think a lot of people feel disconnected from whats going on right now," said Stewart. "I hope the podcast piques some people's interest in our politics, government and voting."

In the near future, they also would like to do some live recordings. Until then, tune in at or search for the show on iTunes, Spotify or Stitch.