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VIDEO: A Crown Heights Summer Workshop is Empowering Tomorrow's Innovators Through Digital Literacy

Through Digital Girl Inc., Brooklyn youth are gaining skills in digital programming and coding.
Digital Girl, Inc. Photo: Brennan LaBrie for BK Reader.

Dozens of Brooklyn kids are learning the basics of coding and digital literacy this summer, thanks to courses offered by Digital Girl Inc., in partnership with the communication network LinkNYC.

Digital Girl Inc. is a Bedford Stuyvesant-based nonprofit that equips inner city youth, and girls in particular, with the skills they need to embark on careers in science, technology, engineering and math. 

From July 17-20, Digital Girl’s classrooms at the Gigabit Center in Crown Heights hosted two workshops — one for students aged five to 13, on the basics of coding and the logic behind it, and another for youth aged 13 and up, on internet safety and digital footprints. 

“Studies show that the younger a student is exposed to STEM, the more likely they are to continue in a STEM discipline and to actually have a career later on in life,” said Michelle Gall,  Digital Girl’s founder and executive director.

These workshops are aimed at students of color from inner city neighborhoods, because this population faces less exposure to STEM education than students in other communities, Gall said. 

Digital Girl offers a wide range of classes, including basic coding classes for students in kindergarten through 12th grade, professional development classes for youth aged 16-24, and internet literacy courses for senior citizens.

Parents can register their children for the camp’s second session, which will take place August 14-17, at Gall also encourages those wanting to volunteer with their programs to sign up on their website.