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New York City Enters Phase 3 of Reopening

Although many businesses reopened Monday, indoor dining is on an indefinite hold after nationwide spikes in COVID-19
Mayor Bill de Blasio. Photo: Kevin Case for Flickr.

New York City entered phase 3 of reopening Monday, July 6, allowing more businesses shuttered by the coronavirus pandemic to reopen.

Nail salons, spas, massage centers, tanning salons and tattoo shops will all reopen as restrictions are lifted on personal care businesses. Some outdoor recreational areas will also be reopened, including dog runs, basketball, volleyball, tennis, handball and bocce courts.

But don't expect to be sitting inside your favorite restaurant anytime soon. Indoor dining was expected to resume at limited capacities as part of phase 3, but Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio decided last week to stall the move as virus cases spiked across the rest of the country.

"New York City is a crowded, dense urban area and -- until recently -- was the global epicenter of the COVID-19 crisis," Governor Cuomo said. He said out of "an abundance of caution and after seeing other states' experiences with indoor dining," the city would wait to reopen it.

"I urge everyone to be New York Tough: wear a mask, socially distance, use hand sanitizer and continue the smart practices that have made our state a national leader in combatting this virus.  I also remind local governments of their duty to enforce the standards that have made NY's reopening safe and successful."

At a press briefing Monday morning De Blasio said: "It will be more of summer again because we did this hard work to get this far and we cannot let up now. As a reminder of what can happen if we let up, look around the country look at the places that didn't stick to the smart rules, they all are suffering now and I feel awful for them."

He said the spike in cases across the country was the reason why New York City could not move ahead with indoor dining, saying, "That is something that will be on hold for a substantial amount of time until we can figure out the right way to do that safely."

For more information on what businesses are allowed to reopen in phase 3 visit the city's website here.