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Jewish Business Leaders Question Religion and Atheism at Local Networking Event

Signature Bank co-founder Scott A. Shay presented his new book "In Good Faith" at a bi-monthly breakfast in Brooklyn Heights
Scott A. Shay, BK Reader
Signature Bank Co-founder and Executive Director Scott A. Shay (l.) discussed his new book “In Good Faith.” Photo courtesy Brooklyn Heights Young Jew Professionals

Brooklyn business leaders gathered at Congregation B'nai Avraham in Brooklyn Heights for the Networking Breakfast Series (NBS) to discuss Signature Bank Co-Founder Scott A. Shay's new book In Good Faith, a re-evaluation of religion and atheism.

Approximately 100 young professionals followed the invitation from Rabbi Eliyahu and Shaindy Raskin,  shluchim of Chabad of Brooklyn Law School and Brooklyn Heights Young Jewish Professionals, who launched the breakfast series to connect local entrepreneurs with business leaders, innovators and forward thinkers. The bi-monthly event is focused on providing business, educational and mentoring opportunities for local Jewish entrepreneurs. The goal: To foster a community of people who are willing to lead, innovate, and give back to the Jewish and global communities.

Approximate 100 young Jewish professionals attended the bi-monthly networking event.
Approximate 100 young Jewish professionals attended the bi-monthly networking event. Photo courtesy Brooklyn Heights Young Jew Professionals

The morning began with breakfast and a networking session, followed by opening remarks by Rabbi Raskin and Shaindy Raskin who spoke about the state of religion in the world today. The crowd took a break to collectively choose and contribute to their favorite charity before keynote speaker Scott A. Shay discussed his new book In Good Faith and his myriad of career experiences.

Shay is a longstanding Jewish community activist who started a Hebrew school and chaired several Jewish educational programs. His new book In Good Faith examines atheist arguments and takes a comprehensive look at our some of the most fundamental questions about faith and reason. Shay evaluates common atheist critiques of the Bible and religion, incorporating Jewish, Christian and Muslim voices.

After Shay's presentation, audience members had an opportunity to further discuss the book during a Q&A. 

The next installment of the Networking Breakfast Series will take place on September 19; the location has still to be determined. For more information, go here.