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New Openings: Shwick is the Market for Makers

We've been in a pattern of rainy, dreary Saturdays over the last few weeks, but that didn't spoil the fun and energy of the Shwick Market opening this past weekend, October 11 and 12.
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We've been in a pattern of rainy, dreary Saturdays over the last few weeks, but that didn't spoil the fun and energy of the Shwick Market opening this past weekend, October 11 and 12.

It will be open on Saturdays, from 10:00am-8:00pm and Sundays 'til 7:00pm, for all your shopping needs. Everything at Shwick can make amazing gifts for the holidays and will make you look good as the giver.

Wait, what is Shwick Market you ask? Well, it's the new "market for makers" at 6 Charles Street in Bushwick, Brooklyn, that specializes in vendors that make their products and often make it locally.

Charles Street is the dead-end block, off of Myrtle, that has Little Skips at the corner. There were some really fresh vendors, including food vendors selling everything from artisinal donuts and chai tea, to Japanese-style sandwiches.

Check out some product and people images from the opening weekend:

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Pretty Women's wear
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DJ Dick At Nite modeling a huge piece from Copper Tooth Jewels
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Shwick Market (say no evil). In Shady Company
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Pulled Pork Sammich!! or is that the pulled chicken? KITCHEN COVO
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Rock and represent Bushwick or the Shwick market
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The couple that brings you Shwick a lovely lady in the middle (possibly named Monie)
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These are donuts. Really delicious looking donuts from Rachel Mae's Farmstand
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I'm not sure New Yorkers are accessorizing enough, I know I'm not.
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Get your filthy paws off my silky draws (that's a movie quote). LINGERIE BY ALTHEA
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Cork is an amazing, natural resource. But note: Cork Buds is not Cork with weed in it. CORK BUDS
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Do the Chai Chai Chai. DONA CHAI
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C'mon now, are you properly scrubbing your body? Get with the program already. WICKED APOTHECARY
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Shwick got it poppin'....even have gold snakes that have been tamed and turned into jewelry
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You like cake? Well, they got it. GOT CAKE
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This honey was surprisingly spicy in a layered, sophisticated manner. BEES KNEES SPICY HONEY
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Artisinal Ginger Ale...If you're staying off the booze and beer for the holidays, this is a great replacement BRUCE COST GINGER ALE (Made In Bushwick)
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Ole Clock Face...well, you ain't really made it til someone turns your mug into a clock CLOCKWORK CROS

I DJ'ed the opening Saturday at Shwick Market, which was a blast, and I also asked Chris, the Shwick guy, a few questions about the market:

Brooklyn Reader: What made you want to start a market for makers and what's the difference between a flea market and a makers market

Chris: I think of a flea market more as used items; at least that's what I always thought about it when I was younger, while a makers market is for things that people are actually making. We're kind of a mix. We have some used items like vintage things and found items, but most of the stuff is actually made by people, whether it be food or art, clothes or jewelry, which is the difference of our market and a flea market.

BR: Do you have a background or a history in running markets or have you been involved with markets in the past

C: I don't have a background in running markets, but I've been involved and participated in lots of markets, from small street markets, to very big markets in cities like Miami, Seattle, L.A., Chicago, Houston, Austin, Dallas, Atlanta, Washington DC, NY and Philly...just all over

BR: Why did you pick Bushwick for the market

C: We picked Bushwick because Bushwick doesn't really have a weekly market, but it has a lot of creative people that make cool stuff. People from outside of Bushwick are starting to come to the neighborhood to experience the creativity and art and check out the things that are happening. We're trying to make a hub for people to come and shop a variety of things from fashion to art and do it in Bushwick, in one market.

BR: Will you have food vendors as well, because people love to eat at markets

C: We will have a small amount of food vendors. We're hoping to secure an adjacent, outdoor area and if get that, we'll have a larger food presence, but as of the opening weekend, we'll have a few food vendors for the market

BR: Will there be programming for market visitors, in addition to the vendors

C: There's going to be music, we're planning to do live art and we will also feature subway performers, so some of the talented people you see on the trains, or the platform, whether it's music or performing arts, will be here doing their thing. Since the market is smaller than we planned, we have less space to stretch out, but we're definitely trying to grow Swick, whether that's in the next few months or in the Spring, we're definitely trying to grow it and make more things happen. The space where the Shwick Market is will be held on the weekends, is called 6 Charles Place and we will definitely have programming at the space during the week.

BR: What kind of vendors will you have and will their price points be high end, affordable or mid-tier

C: We have vendors including Chai Tea, art, T-Shirts, Jewelry, accessories to food. You can grab a beverage for two or three bucks or you can grab some art for a Hundred bucks and up. I would say that most pieces will be between $5-$30 but there will be some outliers above and below that range.

So when you get a chance, check out Shwick market and stay up-to-date on what they have going on. You can link at their Shwick Market WebsiteFacebook Page or their Instagram Page.