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Art Exhibition Exploring Queerness, Sexuality and American Identity Opens on Atlantic Ave

The exhibition is part of the summer programming and events at the popup gallery on Atlantic Avenue, opened by TW Fine Arts.

As a young person growing up gay on a military base, artist Brian Kenny is both attracted to and repelled by the symbols and status of American patriotism.

Flags are recurring subject in Kenny's work, and play a feature role in his latest solo show I'mmaterial up now at TW Fine Art on Atlantic Avenue.

I'mmaterial features a variety of Kenny's conceptual and abstract drawings, textiles and installation created over the last decade-and-a-half that explore queerness, sexuality and American identity.

Kenny recontextualizes found objects, such as old sports jerseys, American flags, jock straps, medicine bottles, or pages of a book, giving them new significance through drawing, painting, textile, video and performance.

As well as featuring the latest in Kenny's American Flag series, I'mmaterial includes drawings from Kenny's Secret Heroes series, where he layers rebellious illustrations on top of children's coloring book pages, subverting the pages with markers, crayons and stickers.

The exhibition is the first in TW Fine Art's summer season of programming and events at the gallery's new Brooklyn outpost, located at 514 Atlantic Ave.

I'mmaterial will be on view from July 1, 2021 through August 7, 2021 from 11:30am to 7:00pm, Thursday through Sunday. Visit the gallery's website for more information on the show and other events.